Growing up my parents were not home a lot, therefore, I had to turn to someone else to support. That was how it has always been in my house. My aunt would come over to my house and babysit me until she moved to virginia, so I was pretty close to her. When it came time to my final decision, I was unable to do it. So, I decided to visit one of the colleges with my aunt. This caused a big problem for my parents (apparently). My parents wanted to be involved, but did not express the care they have for such, which made me turn to my aunt for help. Later that day after the college visit, I was sat down at a table with my dad, uncle, and my aunt. We had talked about the lack of communication I had with my dad and that he wanted to be more involved with my life. For this conversation, I think that this conversation could be related back to Turkle, because she talks about the value of being heard and understood. However, I did not understand that my father had valued this conversation. Overall, the lack of conversation with my father allowed me to see him in a new perspective.